Annual Report 2023

In 2023, BCREA, our staff, and our partners successfully navigated another complex year, supporting BC REALTORS® and managing brokers so they could better serve their clients and be proud of their profession. We also continued to be a voice committed to positively impacting the real estate and housing sector, providing data-driven policy analysis and recommendations that are holistic and comprehensive.

This annual report summarizes BCREA’s key activities in service of the province’s eight real estate boards and over 26,000 REALTORS® throughout 2023.

To download a PDF version of this report for offline viewing, click here (3.3 MB).

2023: Our Year-in-Review

We are proud to present our 2023 Annual Report. Please join BCREA’s Chief Executive Officer Trevor Koot as he reflects on the past year in this video.

To download a PDF version of the 2023 Annual Report video, click here (7.3 MB).

Audited Financial Statements

To view the 2023 BCREA Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Operations, click here.

Our Team

Our Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors guides BCREA with a dedication to advancing REALTOR® professionalism and serving the public interest. We want to thank our Board of Directors for their guidance, expertise, and commitment in 2023.


Chair: Darren Close
Chair-Elect: Tim Ayres
Past Chair: Janice Stromar
Chief Executive Officer: Trevor Koot

REALTOR® Directors

Ruth Hanson
Kim Heizmann
Darcy McLeod
Chris Shields
Ashley Smith
Robert Wood

Public Directors

Catherine Aczel Boivie
Amanda Magee
Kenneth Tan

Our Member Boards

Thank you to BC’s eight real estate boards for their ongoing support and trust in our work. We look forward to another year of working together on our shared goals in 2024.

Association of Interior REALTORS®
BC Northern Real Estate Board
Chilliwack and District Real Estate Board
Fraser Valley Real Estate Board

Greater Vancouver REALTORS®
Powell River Sunshine Coast Real Estate Board
Vancouver Island Real Estate Board
Victoria Real Estate Board

Our Staff

Thank you to BCREA’s staff, who worked tirelessly to support real estate boards, REALTORS®, and each other. We are immensely grateful for their dedication to BCREA and the REALTOR® profession.

As the voice of BC REALTORS®, BCREA remains committed to supporting and empowering BC REALTORS® in their professional journeys, championing the real estate sector in our province, and shaping policies that positively impact the real estate sector in British Columbia.

BCREA is the provincial association for BC REALTORS®. As a champion for the real estate sector, BCREA advances REALTOR® professionalism and ensures the REALTOR® voice is heard, for the benefit of consumers and communities, across BC. By working in collaboration with the province’s real estate boards, our mission is to provide professional development opportunities, advocacy, economic and policy research, and standard forms so REALTORS® are trusted, respected, and proud of their profession.


Suite 1425, 1075 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 3C9
604.683.7702  |  [email protected]  |

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